Kamis, 21 Maret 2019

Develop Your Presentation Skills Creating Success Theo Theobald Danny Campbell 0191091540077 Books Livres gratuits en ligne à lire OKC

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  • Develop Your Presentation Skills offers step-by-step realistic advice to improve your confidence, prepare effectively and nail that presentation.

    Going beyond just handling nerves and presenting PowerPoint slides, Develop Your Presentation Skills provides you with a practical toolkit for developing a belting presentation and improving your confidence along the way. It includes practical help with unpicking the original brief, understanding just what the audience wants, facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content that will keep your audience rapt with attention.

    Complete with anecdotes and expert input to help you avoid disaster, this new edition also includes two brand new chapters, which help you to deliver a presentation “stripped bare” and to use new media to engage with your audience. Develop Your Presentation Skills will help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress.

    The creating success series of books... With over one million copies sold, the hugely popular Creating Success series covers a wide variety of topics and is written by an expert team of internationally best-selling authors and business experts. This indispensable business skills collection is packed with new features, practical content and inspiring guidance for readers across all stages of their careers.
    Theo Theobald, Danny Campbell,Develop Your Presentation Skills (Creating Success),Brilliance Audio,1543638953,Business Communication - Meetings Presentations,Careers - General,Skills,AUDIO,Audiobook; Audio; Book; CD; Business; Entrepreneur; Career; Success,Business Economics,Business Economics / Business Communication / Meetings Presentations,Business Economics / Careers / General,Business Economics / Skills,Business Economics/Careers - General,Business Economics/Skills,Business/Economics,General Adult,MP3,Non-Fiction,book

    Develop Your Presentation Skills Creating Success Theo Theobald Danny Campbell 0191091540077 Books Reviews :

    Develop Your Presentation Skills offers step-by-step realistic advice to improve your confidence, prepare effectively and nail that presentation.

    Going beyond just handling nerves and presenting PowerPoint slides, Develop Your Presentation Skills provides you with a practical toolkit for developing a belting presentation and improving your confidence along the way. It includes practical help with unpicking the original brief, understanding just what the audience wants, facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content that will keep your audience rapt with attention.

    Complete with anecdotes and expert input to help you avoid disaster, this new edition also includes two brand new chapters, which help you to deliver a presentation “stripped bare” and to use new media to engage with your audience. Develop Your Presentation Skills will help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress.

    The creating success series of books... With over one million copies sold, the hugely popular Creating Success series covers a wide variety of topics and is written by an expert team of internationally best-selling authors and business experts. This indispensable business skills collection is packed with new features, practical content and inspiring guidance for readers across all stages of their careers.

    Theo Theobald, Danny Campbell,Develop Your Presentation Skills (Creating Success),Brilliance Audio,1543638953,Business Communication - Meetings Presentations,Careers - General,Skills,AUDIO,Audiobook; Audio; Book; CD; Business; Entrepreneur; Career; Success,Business Economics,Business Economics / Business Communication / Meetings Presentations,Business Economics / Careers / General,Business Economics / Skills,Business Economics/Careers - General,Business Economics/Skills,Business/Economics,General Adult,MP3,Non-Fiction,book

    Develop Your Presentation Skills (Creating Success) [Theo Theobald, Danny Campbell] on . Develop Your Presentation Skills/i offers step-by-step realistic advice to improve your confidence


    Product details

    • Series Creating Success
    • MP3 CD
    • Publisher Brilliance Audio; Unabridged edition (November 28, 2017)
    • Language English
    • ISBN-10 1543638953
    "" [Review ]

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